1. Painting my little girls fingernails... we spent an hour last night "doing nails", it was so much fun!
2. My new website... I am so excited about this new adventure, and having such an awesome business partner to share it with!
3. Thrift store picture frames... I think I have a great idea to use these and will post about them later!
4. Snow... there is snow again outside... I am trying to be thankful for this!!!
5. My goofy Bug... he is so funny and has
the best dimples ever, he makes me laugh!

I am so excited... I don't know why I deserve another award but I feel very honored. This award is super neat... turning lemons into lemonade! I try to be positive and look on the bright side of things, I can be a real grump, and not turn those lemons..... BUT, everytime I see this award I will remember! So... thank-you soooo much Jolene from the little things in life. She is too kind and has such a great attitude, I love reading her blog.

Here are the rules for the award:
1) Put the logo on your blog or post.
2) Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude.
3) Link to your nominees within your post.
4) Let the nominees know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5) Share the love and link to the person from who you received your award.
I have so many blogs that I love to read... here are a few I give the award to...
I have so many blogs that I love to read... here are a few I give the award to...
Heidi at Sacred and Profane
Kelli at Outside my Kitchen Window
Eve at Tranquility and Turmoil
Swoozie at Mommy Kingdom
Have a super great day everyone!!!
Thank you, thank you. You deserve this award, congrats.
Thanks you so much for the award Tanielle! You totally rock! Me and the kiddos have an early morning (9 am!) Mommy Group meeting at an indoor gym this morning but........when we get home, the kids will inevitably fall asleep for abit! Then I will get a chance to hand out this award as well! I better think about who all to give it to.......hmmmmmmmm!
Thanks a bunch! You made my day!
Thank you!!!! I love awards!! :)
Congrats on your award. I love all that you are thankful for. I can not wait until my little girl gets bigger so I can to the nail painting thing.
Visiting from SITS (you were the commenter before me today). I checked out your ribbon cute! Made me wonder for a minute if my boys would like some pixie wings ;)
Wow, it is so good to hear from you, it took me a minute when I saw your name. Your blog is so cute, and I can not believe your little boy is not so little anymore. Your children are so cute. It sounds like things are going good for you, good for you! Stay in touch :)
It was so good to hear from you, it took me a minute when I saw your name. I can not believe your little boy has grown up, you have cute children. It sounds like things are going good for you, i am happy for you. I hope you stay in touch :)
Hi Tanielle! What a great list of thankful things! Your kids are so cute. Have a wonderful day!
Thank you!!! How sweet of you :-)
You've got one handsome Bug there.
Congrats on the award!
Thanks for the award. I'll try to post mine tomorrow. Take care.
Tanielle, I love your Thankful Thursdays! What a great idea! Oh, and I didn't steal any more pictures today. :-)
Obviously I'm catching up on my blogs...
YES, you deserve the award! You have a great blog and are very good about leaving such sweet comments.
Great list!!
And congrats on the award!!
its just the krump ;)
I don't think I can buy a frame that ISN'T from a thrift store. They are just so much more reasonable plus all the random choices! :)
Good list!
Congrats! I need to update my gratitudes on my blog... I find it keeps me real. Bravo
Thank you so much for thinking of me! Wow!
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