SOOOO...much to be thankful for!

3. The silence of night when the kids are in bed snuggly warm, and I have some time to think of how I can be a better Mom tomorrow, and have some time on my computer.
4. The sunshine that melted a lot of the 4 inches of snow we received yesterday!
5. My new friends I have met through blogging, I love your comments, each one makes me happy! There are sooo many amazing women out there!
Have a wonderful Thursday! I have to work, we have a craft boutique for the next two weekends, and not much inventory!!!
Have a wonderful Thursday! I have an "I'm thankful for..."blog that I spend 5 minutes with everyday. It makes my day complete.
thank you, from a SITS girl!
Wonderful list!!! Hope you have a good day!
Have a great Thursday!
Visiting via SITS. I LOVE the idea of Thankful Thursday. I'm so glad I stopped by today. I saw your blog last week and loved the idea of Thankful Thursday so much I copied your idea and am doing it on my blog as well. I couldn't remember exactly which blog I saw it on, so I credited an "unknown" blogger. Today I will be sure to give you the proper credit that you deserve. PS Hope you don't mind that I've pirated your idea. I just love it so much!
Kids are the greatest! I'm amazed how my daughter changes and grows each and everyday. There's always a struggle between wanting to keep them as they are and knowing they need to grow up and spread their wings. I'm glad I found your blog during the giveaway.
I like your list.
Today I am just thankful to be a Mom. My little one is not doing so hot today. She is totally cranky and I am trying to keep her happy. Wish me luck.
Great list! I might have to borrow or steal the thankful Thursday idea, so cute. Happy Thursday! Did you get my email for my beautiful prize?
What a wonderful list! We all have much to be thankful for!
Great list! Amen to number one! I'm doing a support our troops giveaway from March 23-26! Just stopped by to tell you that the randomly-selected winner of the Cheesecake Factory gift certificate is Joy from Joy to the Blog. Thanks so much for entering my giveaway, and for becoming a follower! I hope you enjoy my blog! I try to visit at least 2 of my followers daily to spread comment love so I’ll be seeing you soon!
My headline last night on Facebook was, "Enjoying the silence at the end of the day!" Great minds always think alike!!
I'm thankful for your flag too. If it comes up missing some morning - I have nothing to say.
What a great post! I am thankful for the silence at the end of the day too! I am also thankful to start things over the next day and improve.
I too, love that silence at the end of the day!
Those are great!
I appreciate your first one especially, because the troops don't get alot of appreciation these days!
I know what you mean about "how to be a better mom tomorrow... and still have time on the computer." :) Your four kids are just darling. congratulations on the opening of your store!
Congratulations to you! A wonderful thank you list. I can so relate to that quiet time when moms recharge to try and do a better job the next day! That silence brings such a calm state of mind.
Thank you so much for the kind comment you left on my blog today! Thanks for sharing in my double baby joy!!
What a great list of what to be thankful for! I love comments to it's amazing what a comment can do to make you smile! Thanks for stopping by my CCC Blog :)
Great list! Showing you some love from SITS!
Nice thoughts...thanks so much for sharing :)
Visiting from SITS... I love this idea. :)
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