Christine at Life...the Way I See It. Gave me this awesome Kreativ Award. Thanks sooooo much. I feel so spoiled...WOW! She has such a cute blog and an adorable new button, go check it out! The rules of this award are to tell seven things I love and pass it on to seven bloggers I love.
Here goes...
1. I ♥ dance recitals
2. I ♥ new babies
3. I ♥ salsa and chips
4. I ♥ blogging
5. I ♥ warm summer nights
6. I ♥ shoes
7. I ♥ primary songs
Now to pass it on...
1. Kimi at Meddling in the Affairs of Dragons
2. Sandy Toes
3. Brynn at Moments of Majic and Mayhem
5. Krissy at Thinking of Blue
6. Sassytimes
7. Faithchick(Amanda)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
There are seriously sooo many of you out there that I love, it is hard for me to pick only seven.
Enjoy your first day of Spring everyone!!!!
Congrats on the award and such a cute pic :)
I love the matching dresses!
And thanks for the award!
It looks like you got this twice. You are very creative! I gave the Kreativ blogger award to you as well, today.
Thank you so very much for the award-how sweet~
Your kids are just so cute.
sandy toe
Wow, I feel so honored, thanks so much for thinking of me for the award. As soon as I can get the award "button" to work, I'll post it on my blog.
Thanks again & I too love the pic you posted!
Happy Spring. Enjoy your award.
Ahh Spring has sprung everywhere but here. It's full on summer in Florida already! I already have tan lines! Oh sorry that may be insensitive since some people had snow today ;( Oh, well I guess it sucks to be them!
Thank you so much! I love awards. this is only my second one. Yeah me!! I love your blog as well. I guess I need to do blog it has been almost a week since I did last. Yikes!
What cute kids!! Congrats to your winners.
I love this picture....absolutely cute and adorable children....
Award well deserved! Cute picture!!!
I can't wait for summer nights, bonfires and marshmallows...yummmmmmy!
I'm dropping by via SITS.
Today I am leaving 100 comments.
Wish me luck!
Have a great day!
I have had so much fun catching up on your blog! I am finally home from visiting my parents and have my own computer. Hooray! I loved reading everyone's comments about how great it is that spring is here. In AZ spring lasts for about 1 day and I think I missed it. After that we just go from warm, to hot, to torrid. But then we make up for it all in the winter--thankfully! Congrats on your award!
Easter pictures are always so hard to get on Easter! I have started taking my kids someplace nice the Saturday before to take pictures of them.
Congrats on your award!
I have another award for you on my blog today
WOW! My first award...thank you so very much! I love the pic of your little ones. Adorable, as usual!
Visiting from SITS, have a GREAT weekend!
Congrats on your award and thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday!
Stopped in from Sits to say hello and wish you a great Sunday...snow? Really?
I am having a great Spring/Easter giveaway that may cheer you up!
Hi congrats on the award. I'm over visiting from SITS, your blog is so creative.
Following your blog!
Good morning everybody! Have a wonderful fun Sunday from a fellow sitsa.
Checking in from Zen Cupcake
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