One year ago today, we rushed our little Ashie to the Childrens Hospital E.R. She was only 20 days old, with a very high fever. She was struggling to breathe, and wouldn't eat. She had already dropped quite a bit from her birth weight and we were taking her into the doctor every other day for weight checks. I knew this was something serious. I had been up with her all night long and by five a.m. I woke my hubby and said "let's go". Because she was under a month, and had a high fever they had to run lots of tests. It was so heart breaking to see. I left the room for the Spinal Puncture.
She had RSV, and would need to be admitted, oh how I cried. You are so emotional after having a baby anyway, and the thought of her being in the Hospital was so devastating to me. I know there are sooo many more serious problems and illnesses, but I couldn't help but look down at this brand new member of our family and be so worried and scared! I was able to carry her to her floor and her room, she already had an IV hooked in her tiny arm, but as they got her settled in her little crib, and hooked her to the oxygen I felt a low like I had never felt before. I just wanted to be home with my new little Angel and her brother and sisters.
I cry as I write this... all the emotionals of those 9 days come flooding back. I of course stayed there night and day, and Hunter Dan would come up after work with Jibbity. Bug and Lexlee were at their Dad's and Step-Mom's house. The days were long, but it was the nights that really got to me. When Hunter Dan would leave at night to take Jibbity back home, and the bright lights of the hospital would dim, and it was very quiet... I had never felt more alone. My Mom came the three and a half hours from my home town in the middle of the night. I kept saying " we're o.k. she'll be out soon, no need to come". Finally she knew I needed her, she left late at night and arrived even later(or early I should say) and when she arrived I actually slept for a few hours.
Oh how glad we were to get that little lady back home where she belonged . As I reflect back on that time I am so grateful for family and friends who helped us out. My good friend Trish arranged for a place for Jibbity to go while Hunter Dan was working, after she'd get home from work she'd take care of her til' hubby got home. Karen took care of all three of the kids the early morning when we went to the E.R. She got the two older ones off to school. Xazmin, Karen, and Holly all took turns taking Jibbity. Mike and Kandice were amazing and took Bug and Lexlee to school every morning even though it was an hours drive to take them and to pick them back up. Mike even brought them up to the hospital to see Ashie and Me before school one morning... I sooo appreciated that. I am especially grateful to Hunter Dan and my Mom, and all the calls and prayers that were received from family and friends.
Now here it is one year later it's 1:56 a.m. and I am up monitoring little Ashie because she is sick again. We are watching her and trying to decide if another trip to the E.R. will be necessary. She is asleep finally and I decided to share a little of the emotions of this time... one year ago!

Oh, I am so sorry you all had to go through that! Bless you! I think it helps when you share stories like these though! And I hate she is sick one year later too! Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers!
How scary. I hope this time she perks right up and you can avoid another scary trip to the ER!
Oh!!! Sweetheart!! I can't even immagine how this would feel right now - especially to have her sick again...oh my sake....My prayers and thoughts are with you guys!!
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story. I was happy to read on of course that she was okay. I think that would be hard to have a child that sick. You and your family did it and shared about it. I think this will help others out there who have something like this happen.
I'll be adding Ashie to my prayers. Praying another trip to the ER is not in the future and praying she gets better really soon. It's always scary when something is wrong with your angels, you feel so helpless.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have t say I almost didn't finish reading this post because I thought is was going to have a terrible ending. I'm glad I did and I'm so happy your sweet little girl is ok!
Just passing by via SITS!
Happy Saturday to you!
What an ordeal to have to go through! Times like that really make us appreciate life. I'm glad you're a blogger and thanks for stopping by mine! It seems as though we have a lot in common. Enjoy your weekend!
I'm reading this with tears streaming down my face. I too had a newborn (5 days old) that had to go back into the hospital, he ended up having surgery. 13 years later, & all is well, but boy, the emotions of that time are still strong. I hope & pray your little one gets over this quickly & can go back to climbing & being "wild"!
I'm sorry your darling angel is sick again, but I pray all will be well soon. Keep holding on to each moment with the same love and attention you already have. You already know what's important in life and that puts you way ahead of many folks.
Oh, Tanielle! I'm so sorry that you and your family had to go through this! I hope the little sweetie pie is feeling better soon!
We all hope she perks up soon! She is too funny to be so down and out. We need her sparkly, mischievous self back to normal!
Thank you for sharing us a precious time, in your life with us. I often wonder how parents handle it when children are in the hospital. We haven't dealt with that...Praise the Lord. Oh, I hope she is feeling better~today.
As a mom, this post pulls at the heart strings. I can't imagine the amount of stress and worry you went through those early months. I hope she feels better soon! Take care of yourself too, if you can.
aww I hope she starts feeling better soon!
I'm so sorry to hear what you have been/are going through. My baby was 13 days old when he had a fever and we rushed him to ER. They had to do a spinal tap on him too. It was terrible to watch, especially when the first stick didn't take and they had to do it again. We found out months later that it was a kidney condition.
It's so scary when they have breathing problems. I'll be praying for you guys. Stay strong.
Oh Tanielle - what a scary time. I am glad everything turned out okay. And it's so nice that your mom knew you needed her and came to help you - what a wonderful mom and grandma!
What sweet pictures of your baby. And now she is sick again? I hope she feels better soon!!!
My heart ached just reading that. I hope she feels better soon!
Oh my goodness... I'm so sorry. I hope she is feeling better very soon!
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