My girls were VERY excited to see the first "yellow" flower of the year!

Always sooo much to be thankful for, but here are the five at this very moment...
1. Flip Flops...oh how silly is that one!? I love 'em though!
2. Sleep...which I am not doing and should be. I love my comfy bed and my Bigfoot that I get to snuggle up to.
3. Friends...X and I are absolutly stupid sometimes together, and laughter is the best medicine.
4. The smell of my little Ashie...I still slather her in baby magic baby lotion whenever I change her buns.
5. Easter decor...I put mine up today, and it is sooo" happy."
Oh I love Spring !
Stopping by from SITS! Cute list!
I love flip flops! That is def something to be thankful for ! :) I am excited about spring. Your pic makes my heart happy!
yay! I can see the daffodils and tulips pushing through the ground now...and I, too love flip-flops!
I LOVE baby lotion. I put it on sometimes but to smell it and when my kids are latered in it that is the best! I also love flip flops and sleep. It should be anyday now for my daffodils. I can't wait. I love this time of year to clean and air out the winter funk.
you are like a breath of fresh air! so upbeat and positive. I love having my windows open to let in the fresh air too!!
Flip-flops and being stupid with friends... there's nothing quite like summer, is there? :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
After reading your list I have decided I too will be making a Thankful Thursday as soon as I get home from my much needed "Jesus-Time".
We are wrapping up the Beth Moore study Esther. Every week she gives us an it's Tough Being A Woman... This one sums me up the last day or so...
It's tough being a Woman In A Mean World!
Have a Blessed Thursday Tanielle!
ARgh! I totally forgot to put flip flops on my list! Oh well! I am very THANKFUL for flip flops! Great list!
I gave you an award today!
Oh how I long for the snow to go away so I can pull out my flip flops!! Melt snow Melt!
There is nothing like opening your windows and smelling that fresh spring air! Birds chirping, flowers blooming, leaves starting to unfold - it makes me feel so happy!!! Have a great day!
I know I am so happy that Spring is coming tomorrow. If you want stop by today and see my fun day we had outside in the nice weather.
Have a great day.
Spring is my fave too...flip flops rock, and yellow is like my favorite color, so that flower is esp. beautiful!!
I know! The weather has been so great! I worked out in my yard for 4 hours yesterday and wore capris!
I love your list - flip flops yay! And babies smell so wonderful!
Seeing those first blooms every spring is the best, isn't it? :o)
I love flip flops too. I wore a pair yesterday!
I am thankful for daffodils. I just think they are the happiest flower of all :)
I'm not thankful that my house faces north, while yours faces south so every year your flowers bloom before mine!
I am thankful that my flowers are still in bloom though, after all the south-facers flowers have bloomed out!
Being stupid is so the best!! Thanks for being stipid with me!!
When shall we go flip-flop shopping together?
Love ya!
amazing what a little extra sun can do for the body and spirit!
Hi I found your blog at SITS and I love it, I´m thankful for food on the table for life, for being loved and spoiled and for my healthy furbabies
I love this list!
What wonderful things to be thankful for~
sandy toe
Hi. I just stopped over from SITs! I love flip flops as well. I can't wait to wear them. Here in Idaho it's still a little chilly. I also love the Baby Magic. I try slathering it on my 4 year old but for some reason it just doesn't smell that same as it did when he was a baby. :(
I am so with ya on the flip flops girl! I just bought me a new pair today and love them! Just casual, nothing special but perfectly comfy...the best kind
I am totally addicted to cute flip flops...and sleep...and my kids...and my friends...yadda, yadda, yadda!
BTW, I LOVE that quote from cutie patootie Marjorie Pay Hinckley. What a magnificent woman she was!
ok, so i'm just waiting for totally thankful thursday to include "my niece Amy. because she rants for hours on my couch about her CRAZY roommate every time she comes to visit." i'm tellin' ya, you could write a book about my traumatic experience since i've told you aLLLL about it! haha. love you!
I can say I love and am thankful for all those things, too. Especially the baby smell! I miss baby breath smell...mine is one now and her breath is just not the same as it was a year ago but I love the lotioned-up smell!
Thank you for linking up! What a lovely springy post! Good luck on the contest!
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