Monday, March 30, 2009


O.K. so it's time for Friend Makin' Monday over at Kasey's. It's a great way to get to know some of those awesome bloggers out there, and make new friends! So head on over to link up.
Today we are talking about how sharing things build friendships...we are suppose to tell 10 things that we cannot live without and why...
SO...ToDaY wE sHaRe!!!!
Here I go...
1. Scentsy...I cannot burn candles anymore because I was ruining our walls and ceiling with all the black that was being left behind from the flame. I always had at least 2 candles burning. The Hubby got tired of it and said,"no more". I soon found scensty. Now I have the wonderful scents I love all through my house and no more wicks. Of course I may have gone a little overboard with them because I have 5 warmers through-out my house, and usually at least three on at all times.
2. My, these are pretty much not me at all!!!!! But Urban Hunter(formerly known as Hunter Dan.."too nerdy", he said...Hunter Dan is an action figure, but for Hunters...he comes with a rifle, bow, tent, 4-wheeler, and more, anyway Urban Hunter said he really didn't like that name so we have moved on to an inside joke that only my darling niece, Urban Hunter, and I know)...back to me. He gave these to me and I love them. I wear them everywhere, well not shopping, or anything, but I wear them all the time. They are ugly I know!

3. Pizza...I love this cheesy goodness, but I have been trying to be good because I am trying to get "hot". But oh how I love those delicious pepperoni, and onion pizzas!!! With tons of crushed red peppers on top! (mouth watering) YUM!
4. Flipflops...totally opposite of my slippers, but loved just the same. I have really bad feet, and these little beauties are HORRIBLE. But I still wear them and pay for it when I wake up in the morning!

5. NKOTB c.d.... I heart Donnie!!! I listen to this c.d. all the time. I heart Donnie!!! It is awesome! I heart Donnie!!! They better come back on tour this summer!! I heart Donnie!!! Did I mention I think Donnie is kind of cute?

6. M.A.C. foundation...I love this stuff. Well actually I love make-up, and I absolutely can't live without it...o.k. I could but the world would be a lot scarier!!!

7. Silver jewelry... I love, love, love jewelry! Silver is my fav. I got my love of jewelry(and make-up actually) from my Mom. She always put on earrings and lipstick to haul garbage to the dump...she always said,"ya never know when you might see Robert Redford". So thanks Mom!!!!

8. My vacuum...well actually not MY vacuum because it isn't a Dyson, but I love that I have a vacuum that I can use daily. I am a freak that way, and have to have a clean floor!(when I break yet another vacuum, I hope I get a Dyson.)

9. Cold water...I drink it all day long...I put two 32 oz. bottles in the fridge, and always keep them filled. It's gotta be refreshing, especially on these blustery snowy days!

10. Victorias Secret lotion and body spray...I use this numerous times a day! It smells soooo good. I don't have a favorite scent, just quite a few I switch between. Does that make me look like one of their models?
Well there you have it! Some of the things besides the obvious, kiddos, and hubby, that I can't live without. Have a WONDERFUL Monday everyone!


April said...

What a great list! You know, I have never tried MAC foundation...I've always used Elizabeth Arden. I may just have to give it a whirl...everyone seems to love it!

Shawn said...

I too could not live without my Dyson, I have 3 freaking dogs!

Pizza, mmmm, maybe that's way I'm the token fat girl in my circle of friends!

Amy said...

I love your vac. I have one just like it. Great list. Have a great day.

Cammie said...

This is a perfect day for me to have roll called under you in SITS (I try to say hi to said person every day) So....HI! I am also a fan of all things MAC AND The NKOTB CD...I am also heading off to see them on FRIDAY!!!! Whooo hoooo! Living my dream 20 years later!!

That Girl said...

you crack me up with the NKOTB. lol

world of wynn said...

I also LOVE NKOTB!!! I heart Jordan though.

Heather said...

Jordan is my favorite! Remember the "rat tail" he used to have? haha

How could you not love Old Navy flip flops? Cute, comfy and cheap!!

Unknown said...

You are so funny- I WAS in love with Joey..note the was....

Also, if you love silver jewelry, take a look at the collection that James Avery has at

He makes beautiful stuff!

Have a great week!


shortmama said...

How on earth did I manage to forget flip flops and slippers on my list!!! I sat there thinking forver on what to put and somehow those escaped my brain. Oh well, I blame it on the kids

Xazmin said...

Ahhhh, flip flops and New Kids...2 of the most fantastic things we have to look forward to this summer!

We definitely should make our own t-shirts for the concert this time!

I'll make sure to wear my batgirl sunglasses.

jennykate77 said...

Girl, you have no idea just how much I ♥ NKOTB!! If you love Donnie, you should go check out my post from the concert a few weeks ago!!! My cousin and I went to the concert and had the time of our lives!!! I went to their concert when I was like 12 and going again at 31 was even better. I ♥ Joey!

This FMM thing is so fun! ☺

Hope you have a marvelous Monday!

capperson said...

I love your list, exspecially the flip flops!!

Anonymous said...

I think we are pretty close to the same person...really the MAC, the pizza, the vacuuming ALL the time, and silver jewelry!! I love it...Your blog is soo fun and I always love to come and read it! Ill talk to you soon!
Love ya!

Small House said...

OH MY GOODNESS...I LOVE ROBERT REDFORD!! I just got so excited about that. It would be great to run into him while wearing silver jewelry, flip flops and wearing Victoria Secret lotion.

Fun post!

Sugarplum Garters said...

that pizza looks so delicious! it's a must~have for me too. trying to eat healthy is the pits though ~ we have to miss out on all the good stuff!

and i'm with you on the flip flops ~ i know they're horrible for my feet but i love that i can get them in every color at old navy. they're all i wear during the summer!

have a wonderful monday!

AndreaLeigh said...

great list! i've heard so many good things about scentsy. I need to check it out!

Amy Jo said...

bahahaha. DONNIE. dork. =] love you.

Tracey@Aloha Monkeys said...

Great list! I'll have to look into the Scentsy stuff. I'm always nervous about burning candles.

I forgot to add my Kirby to my list. I'm not as OCD about vacuuming like I used to be. I have it down to once a week instead of daily :)

I also love crushed peppers on my pizza.

It was great getting to know you. Looking forward to next week.

Missy said...

Love your list! Silver and flips flops; the loves of my life!

Leah said...

Love your list....

I have that Pure Seduction by Victoria's Secret. I love their lotions.

heidi said...

Love silver jewelry & flip flops!

Julie said...

I dream about having a DYSON (pink) someday. As soon as mine kicks the bucket...I am buying one. I love your list...Happy Monday..Julie

Kasey said...

Those house shoes look so comfy! I want a pair!

and I love Mac eyeshadows! do you use them too? If you don't you should give them a try! they are wonderful!

and I read your 80's post! I love 80's movies! they are my favorite! Can you say 16 candles?!!! Oh Yeah!!!

SweetTorts said...

OK, where should I begin? I loved NKOTB when I was a kid though my parents didn't allow me to listen to them. I did anyway and never really minded suffering the consequences for Jordan. Haha
I live for the VS lotion, Amber Romance! I'm out of it so maybe I should just order some now or head to the store..:)
I heart silver jewelry too. I am excited to say that I bought jewelry for my mom and sister today because I'll be visiting them in a few weeks. I also bought an amazing watch. Yes, makes me giddy, especially today.
Your list was excellent!

Gammie said...

Hey kiddo! I've been following your blog and was wondering if you'd ever heard of
Ryan's wife Amber sells her jewelry through this website. It's a site where crafters sell their hot stuff. Just thought you might be interested. Funny--her username is crazy daisy. funny huh--all you little "daisies" running around. I look forward to hearing from you!

Anonymous said...

love your list, I love flipflops, thanks for the comments at my blog

Rhonda said...

Hey girl!
Great list! Thanks for wondering about me today! Are you familiar with Makeup Geek? She uses Mac a lot...if your not, and you love make-up you need to check her out!

Pizza...yummy. I have actually just started making it at home. Everyone says the homemade tastes better! It is less fat and healthier and they like it better so why not!? I'm trying to get "HOT" too!

Cold water...craving it now!

I want a Dyson. My model is compared to the Dyson... and it's great for now! It really sucks up some nasty dirt!

I love Sterling sivler too!

See lots of things in common! :D Have a great day!

The Masked Mommy said...

I LOVE flip flops! I wear them always! I even wore flip flops on my wedding day :-)

Mrs. Goddard said...

I enjoyed reading your list. It made me think of things I should have added to my list. I love your blog!! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

This was a fun list to read (and look at!) But it cracks me up how many New Kids lovers there are. I wasn't into them years ago, either, though! ha ha!

Thanks for coming by my blog, too! Nice to meet you.

shaka said...

Oh gosh I love pizza!! I need to live without it though and flip flops! I wear them even in the winter sometimes gah <3

Christie in Dallas, TX said...

What a fun list! I'll have to try the Scentsy warmers -- I love having lots of candles burning. And flip flops -- I should have put them on my list. Hooray -- it's almost flip flop weather!

Amber Filkins said...

Great list girl! Sorry I'm getting to it so late. I've been bogged down in blogland today. my reader is out.of.control!

I'm also a vacuum typa girl {see my post yesterday??} hee hee.

Anyway, love ya!

Kelli said...

I am with you on the pizza, of course and I would love a Dyson! Great's nice to get to know more about people!

Heidi @ Tayterjaq's Rebels said...

I am totally dying for a Dyson. My husband actually told me we could get one so now I'm waiting for Target to put them on sale. Because I can't see paying that much without at least a little discount. Even when they pair up a gift card it's better than nothing.
Thanks for the visit and shout out!