So...my little Jibbity is quite the character. She is always making us laugh our heads off, she's fun and happy, and a little bit naughty sometimes. The other morning before the older kids left for school, we had our morning prayer, Jibbity was the one to say it, and in her sweet prayer, she asked that Heavenly Father "help us to be good and listen to our moms and dads." This worked great for me throughout the day because...whenever she would start to act up, I'd ask her to remember what she asked Heavenly Father to help us with. She'd say "Oh yeah...to help us be good."(said in a sad little voice). I must have reminded her a million times.
The next morning she asked if she could say the prayer once again. Before the kids left for school she said a sweet little prayer..."to bless the kids at school, bless Daddy, and help us to have fun." When she was finished she looked over at me and said with a big smile..."did ya notice what I left out today?"

Someone thinks my Blog is Fabulous!!! Thanks to shortmama... she honored me with this award, and I am sooo excited and grateful to her. She's adorable!!

Now I get to pass it on...
Amy from Living Life Lovingly
Jill from Jill's Believe It or Not
Annikke from Mom is in the Fishbowl
Barb from SPOTLIS
Congrats ladies, I think you are all fabulous!!!!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I hope everyones Sunday is wonderful and relaxing!!!! Enjoy your warm weather, we are suppose to get snow!
What a cute story, and what a very smart little girl! Congrats on a Fabulous blog!
Jibbity is cute and funny!
That reminds me of The Brady Bunch episode where Greg had to live up to "his exact words" and missed a concert with the girl.
Jibbity sounds like she's got lots of spunk to keep you on your toes!
Ha Ha! I love her! From what I hear about YOU in your youth - you SOOOOO deserve her! Have a beautiful Sunday!
p.s - I love the "posing" in front of the gate!! Did you teach her that? :)
Thanks for the award! You know..... YOu have the coolest name! I love it! It is so pretty.
Hey have you signed my follower list yet???? Have a great last day of the week!
Thanks for stopping by! Love your blog!
She is SO cute!!!
That is too cute!
Oh my..she is so cute...I love the innocence of a child....so sweet....
thanks for the award...I love awards...LOL...
and thanks for your words and thoughts in our tough time...I greatly appreciate it and I am sure my SIL does too
"Did you notice what I left out today?"
Funniest line ever! Too sweet.
I love your little birds on the side of your page. Boy, your little girl is a smart little cookie. Sorry you are still getting snow. Have a great day.
LOL! She sounds super adorable and smart. I'm happy for you.
Have a wonderful day too & thanks for dropping by my page.
cute! congrats on your award!
just wanted to remind you my blog has moved to www.mychihuahuabitesblog.com
Very sweet blog... jumped over from SITS.
Today is the last day for one of my giveaways... come on over! :D
How cute is that! Love the sassiness and omg I love her hair in that pic.
Hi Tanielle! What a cutie you have!!! What a great picture!
love the morning ritual
LOL What a great story! She's a little spitfire!
That story of your little girl cracked me up! Congrats on the award!
oh how i love little jibbity. she reminds me of a younger, less hairy me. bahaha. i hope you caught the grinch reference or else that just sounds weird.
Thanks for the award!! :o)
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