The LOVE YA award:“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award"
Bethany from Confessions of a Mom of Four
Linda at Ribbons Roses and More
Heather at Sugar'N Spice & Mostly Nice
Sare at The Hrebiceks
All you ladies are AMAZING!!!!
Next up...from a new friend I just met through Friend Makin' Mondays...Amy at Living Life Lovingly. Thanks so much, it is so fun to meet new gals in this blogging world!
To pass it on, I have to name 10 things about myself...
1. I make lists like crazy, and if someone writes on it, I start another list, it has to be the same color of ink too. I currently have 4 in my kitchen, and who knows how many in my craftroom.
2. I hate following patterns or instructions, it drives me crazy, my business partner Xazmin is very patient with me!
3. I grew up in a tiny town, and my graduating class had less then 70 in it.
4. I have a texture issue with foods...cottage cheese, coconut, cream-style corn, oatmeal...YUCK!!!(and many others)
5. I LOVE tomatos, but don't like ketchup very much and hate tomato soup.
6. I met my husband on a blind date, only a couple of months after a very hard divorce.
7. I love vacuuming and have broken quite a few since my Hubby and I got married 6 years ago. I guess I'm hard on them.
8. I hate dusting, luckily my girls love it!!
9. I totaled my Mom's car only a few months after getting my driver's license....that huge tree jumped out in the middle of the road!!!!
10. I type very slowly and this post has taken me forever! But it has still been fun, and I heart blogging!
I pass this on to...
Jennifer at Just Bee Koz
Love all of you! It's been awesome getting to know the wonderful fellow bloggers out there! And thanks to all who follow me!!!
Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Congrats on your awards!
oh...you're so cute!!! Thank you!!!!
Awww, your so sweet!
Congrats on your awards! I totally get the mixing ink thing...I can't write with differnt pens, either!
Congrats on the awards and let me just say that we are kindred spirits with our list making. Right down to the same color pen. ;)
Congrats on your awards! You can come over to my place and vacuum any time you need to!
Love your list! Number 1 is a key one for me too, my 6 year old daughter started her "to do" list and I can't get her to deviate from it for anything! She likes to be very structured and organized! She didn't get it from me for sure! It was good getting to know you a little more!
Thanks! I had to look up self-aggrandizement :) What a compliment!
Congrats on your awards. They were both given to you by Amy's how cool is that.
Congratulations on your awards! I'm so excited about our linky party next Tuesday!! So glad that you can make it... :)
Thank you so, so much, Tanielle! I will get to it very soon. :)
Thanks for the award! That was so nice of you to think of me. It is always fun to read your blog. I will get on mine as soon as I get back to Arizona. This week I am in Utah helping take care of my mother and have very limited blogging/computer time--but as soon as I am back I can return to blogging!
Thank you so much for the award Tanielle! That was so sweet of you!
Thank you for the award! I love meeting new bloggers too...and I'll definitely pass this on! Thanks again!!
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